Our Vision

To put you back in control of your digital identity when your smartphone gets stolen. We make this vision a reality for our users through networked security, data integrity and community building.

Networked Security

Linking your bank cards, SIM cards and online accounts to a single ‘kill switch’.

Data Integrity

Best-in-class encryption to keep your most valuable data protected.

Community Building

Protecting users by creating a platform for them to work together to combat security threats collaboratively.

Networked Security

The smartphone has centralised much of the modern user’s life. From finances to social media and email accounts, it’s a portal to every aspect of your digital self. Convenience, however, comes at a cost; creating a single point of failure when the wrong person gets hold of your device and PIN. In this scenario, Nuke provides a timely response, enabling you to revoke credentials for everything accessible through your smartphone.\

Data Integrity

Simplicity is the secret sauce that makes Nuke work. We have one job; lock down digital assets. We have big plans to evolve the product to protect more asset classes, but the process for users will remain the same. If our encryption is strong enough to keep bank details safe, you can rest easy knowing everything that follows will be as secure.

We store a seriously limited amount of information ourselves, so even if the worst happens and we get attacked by hackers, they can do nothing to your linked cards and accounts (we don’t actually store your card numbers or account passwords!). It’ll be a mild irritation for us, but our backup systems will kick in, and we’ll move forward like a relentless, singularly focused, criminal-crushing force for good. Not today, bad guys. Not today.

Community Building

We’re firm believers that there’s safety in numbers. Beyond our technology, which, as we’ve said, is beautiful in its simplicity, communities are the guiding principle behind what makes Nuke so effective. Your network of connections and our ever-increasing portfolio of venue partners are the quickest way for you to activate Nuke From Orbit when the worst happens. The bigger your network and the more users who take up our service, the stronger our collective security becomes.