We are in the FT!

(and other amazing coverage from the last few months)

Date: 14th May 2024

Jane Austin didn't work in marketing. But if she had, she might have said something like this:

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a tech company in possession of a good idea, must be in want of publicity.”

You said it, Alt-Jane Austin. Any boy
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New research shows that security is failing to keep pace with smartphone utilisation by consumers

Date: 22nd April 2024

  • 78 per cent use their mobile for banking, and 51% use it as a digital wallet
  • 74 per cent of smartphone users want a service that allows you to block access to all services simultaneously after the theft of a device
  22 April 2024—London,
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New research shows that poor PIN hygiene leads to 62% of phone theft victims in the UK facing further financial loss and data breaches

Date: 22nd April 2024

  • 45 per cent of Britons use their main phone PIN for multiple apps
  • Businesses, including banks and fintechs, are not doing enough to support customers in protecting their personal data when they lose their phones
  22 April 2024—London, UK
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Mobile security: are banks taking it seriously enough?

Date: 25th January 2024

When researching whether Nuke From Orbit could be a goer in April 2023, our desk research into mobile security flagged up an interesting story on the BBC. A pickpocket stole Jacopo de Simone's mobile phone and used his banking apps to steal £22,500. What ma

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